This is a Family Friendly, Multiplatform, Multiuser, Multiexperience Forum - meaning that no matter your experience or your purpose for owning a Jeep, every one is welcome and every one is expected to treat each other the same… with respect.
To help maintain the level of friendliness and cooperation that we strive for here at ModernJeeper, we’ve searched the other great forums for great community rules. Here are a few. Thank you to for leading the way.
Golden Rule - Respect Yourself & Others
- Respect yourself and respect others, or else you will be banned without warning and the ban will never be released.
Keep This A Family Forum
- Topics allowed include anything PG-13 and down (at moderators discretion) No X-Rated pictures, jokes etc. No racist remarks, gender remarks, nor sexual preference slams etc. You will be banned without warning. There will be zero tolerance on this.
No Swearing or Flaming
- Swearing (including defeating the automatic censor, more on that below) flaming, and slamming will not be tolerated. Posts that do not fall within the guidelines of this site will either be edited for content or will be deleted all-together. This is your only warning.
Censor Bypassing
Censor bypassing is when a member deliberately try’s to fool the vBulletin Word Censor. The Word Censor is in place to censor obscene words that may not be acceptable to certain visitors. Remember, ModernJeeper Forum is a familysite, so, the Word Censor is in place to protect children and others that may be offended by obscene words.
-Bypassing the Word Censor by using BB (Bulletin Board) codes to act as a wedge in between censored words or by using ALT-#### codes (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + ` { } [ ] : " ; ' < > , . ? / ect..) will not be tolerated!
Do Not Pad!
- Please refrain from meaningless posts, one word (or short) non-sense posts. This only serves to clutter the forums.
Locked or Deleted Posts
- If one of your posts is locked or deleted, please do not start another thread dedicated to why it was edited. If you have a problem with your post being locked or deleted, please send a private message to a admin/mod describing the problem.
No Defamatory or Political Signatures
- Leave the polarizing divisive political statements out of your signatures. This is a Jeep focused Forum and there's no need to push your politics on everyone in every one of your posts.
No Drug or Illegal Related Posts
- Absolutely no threads promoting or condoning illegal drug use or illegal activities.
No Other Website Questions
- Do not post about problems or questions with other websites.
No Raffles or Donation Drives
- Do not use the forum to solicit. Do not ask for monetary help from users. No raffles or donation drives.
No Spam or Advertising Anything!
- Do not advertise your website/product or product/websites you are affiliated with in any way or shape. If a post is deleted and labeled as advertising then we consider it advertising so please do not post it again.
No Private Message Advertising
- Spamming users using private messages will get you banned no matter who you are. Do not mass advertise through private messages.
Leave if You Don't Like It
- Leave the forum if you do not like the website. Staying here only to complain about how you do not like it will only get you banned.
Copywritten material
- Posting of copywritten material (such as links to entire FSM's) is not allowed.
Keep your messages on topic
- That means that if you are in the JK Owners Forum, for example, then you should only be talking JK Wrangler. The moderators will allow a certain amount of "off-topic" messaging, but please do not push it.
To help maintain the level of friendliness and cooperation that we strive for here at ModernJeeper, we’ve searched the other great forums for great community rules. Here are a few. Thank you to for leading the way.
Golden Rule - Respect Yourself & Others
- Respect yourself and respect others, or else you will be banned without warning and the ban will never be released.
Keep This A Family Forum
- Topics allowed include anything PG-13 and down (at moderators discretion) No X-Rated pictures, jokes etc. No racist remarks, gender remarks, nor sexual preference slams etc. You will be banned without warning. There will be zero tolerance on this.
No Swearing or Flaming
- Swearing (including defeating the automatic censor, more on that below) flaming, and slamming will not be tolerated. Posts that do not fall within the guidelines of this site will either be edited for content or will be deleted all-together. This is your only warning.
Censor Bypassing
Censor bypassing is when a member deliberately try’s to fool the vBulletin Word Censor. The Word Censor is in place to censor obscene words that may not be acceptable to certain visitors. Remember, ModernJeeper Forum is a familysite, so, the Word Censor is in place to protect children and others that may be offended by obscene words.
-Bypassing the Word Censor by using BB (Bulletin Board) codes to act as a wedge in between censored words or by using ALT-#### codes (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + ` { } [ ] : " ; ' < > , . ? / ect..) will not be tolerated!
Do Not Pad!
- Please refrain from meaningless posts, one word (or short) non-sense posts. This only serves to clutter the forums.
Locked or Deleted Posts
- If one of your posts is locked or deleted, please do not start another thread dedicated to why it was edited. If you have a problem with your post being locked or deleted, please send a private message to a admin/mod describing the problem.
No Defamatory or Political Signatures
- Leave the polarizing divisive political statements out of your signatures. This is a Jeep focused Forum and there's no need to push your politics on everyone in every one of your posts.
No Drug or Illegal Related Posts
- Absolutely no threads promoting or condoning illegal drug use or illegal activities.
No Other Website Questions
- Do not post about problems or questions with other websites.
No Raffles or Donation Drives
- Do not use the forum to solicit. Do not ask for monetary help from users. No raffles or donation drives.
No Spam or Advertising Anything!
- Do not advertise your website/product or product/websites you are affiliated with in any way or shape. If a post is deleted and labeled as advertising then we consider it advertising so please do not post it again.
No Private Message Advertising
- Spamming users using private messages will get you banned no matter who you are. Do not mass advertise through private messages.
Leave if You Don't Like It
- Leave the forum if you do not like the website. Staying here only to complain about how you do not like it will only get you banned.
Copywritten material
- Posting of copywritten material (such as links to entire FSM's) is not allowed.
Keep your messages on topic
- That means that if you are in the JK Owners Forum, for example, then you should only be talking JK Wrangler. The moderators will allow a certain amount of "off-topic" messaging, but please do not push it.